We Support Survivors

“This will have dangerous ramifications for those experiencing domestic violence,” says Melissa Graves, CEO, about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. “This allows states to eliminate a basic freedom and fundamental right.”

Reproductive coercion and birth control sabotage are common in relationships where there is domestic violence. This is one way abusers hold their victims in abusive relationships and it affects an estimated 1 in 10 women.

Removing access to healthcare for survivors of abuse puts victims at a higher risk of homicide; and victims of domestic violence who are pregnant are at an even greater risk of being killed by their abusive partner. 40% of pregnant women who have been exposed to abuse report their pregnancy was unintended - compared to 8% of non-abused women. Women of color, who already experience the worst health outcomes in our nation, will face additional barriers and challenges.

Journey Center for Safety and Healing supports survivors’ autonomy to make choices for themselves and their families.

According to Cleveland.com today, “Ohio is one of the states expected to make abortion illegal under most circumstances.” Be a champion for survivors and this very personal choice.

We are here. You are not alone. Call or text 216.391.4357 (HELP) or chat online at journeyneo.org.

You can read more information on the connection between abortion and domestic violence here or here.

For more information about Ohio abortion laws, click here.