Journey Center 2022... Top Ten Countdown!

2023 is here… it’s a new year filled with opportunity to take a stand against domestic violence and child abuse. 2023 is another year to create awareness and let those impacted by abuse know that they are not alone and let our community know that everyone deserves relationships build on love, respect, and safety.

Journey Center looks back at highlights from our year with a renewed hope and energy to support safety, healing, and breaking cycles and a focus on ways in which we can all do our part to support healthy relationships for all.

Ten Ways to Practice Self-Care

Taking time for ourselves is an important way to recharge and refuel… self-care is not only important but it’s necessary. You are worth it.

  1.  Drink water or something warm.

  2. Write a gratitude list.

  3. Get outside.

  4. Have a dance party!

  5. Make your bed.

  6. Read a book.

  7. Turn off your phone.

  8. Take a deep breath.

  9. Say “no”.

  10. Reach out for help. Talk to a friend or family member or contact Journey Center.

9 Characteristics of a Safe, Healthy Relationship

Journey Center knows that everyone deserves a safe, healthy relationship with all of these characteristics. What other healthy characteristics do you look for in your relationships?

  1.  Respect

  2. Trust

  3. Healthy Communication

  4. Healthy Conflict

  5. Taking Responsibility

  6. Honesty

  7. Independence

  8. Comfortable Pace

  9. Kindness

Eight Safety Tips

Safety planning is one step to keeping someone impacted by abuse safe. If you or someone you know needs assistance safety planning our 24-Hour Helpline is always available: 216.391.4357 (HELP) or chat with us now.

  1.  Talk to trusted friends and family.

  2. Save money when you can.

  3. Limit your online information.

  4. Change/add locks, if you can; and always lock your doors.

  5. Create a go bag.

  6. Identify safe areas- in your home and where you would go, if needed.

  7. Trust your instincts – if something feels off, it probably is.

  8. Call or text Journey Center: 216.391.4357 (HELP) or to speak with an advocate.

Seven Things to Say to a Loved One

It can be difficult to know what to say or do when you suspect someone you care about is being abused. The most important thing we can all do is listen, believe, and remind them that abuse is not their fault. Here are seven things you can say to help:

  1. I believe you.

  2. Thank you for sharing with me.

  3. I am here for you- no matter what you decide to do.

  4. I'm sorry this happened to you.

  5. You deserve to feel safe -in your relationships and in your home.

  6. This is not your fault.

  7. You are allowed to feel all of your feelings.

Six Ways to Support a Survivor

In addition to knowing what to say, it is important to know how to support someone in an abusive relationship. Knowing what to do can feel intimidating but it is something important we can all do to support someone we care about. Here are sis actions you can take to support someone impacted by abuse:  

  1. Listen, without judgement.

  2. Believe.

  3. Acknowledge their situation is difficult.

  4. Remember you cannot “rescue” them.

  5. Focus on the abuser’s actions, not the abuser.

  6. Be supportive, regardless of the decision they make.

Five Ways to Support Journey Center

Please support those impacted by abuse. Here are five ways you can help:

  1.  Become a donor

  2. Subscribe to Journey Center's newsletter

  3. Participate in Journey's Awareness Months & Campaigns

  4. Learn the warning signs of abuse

  5. Share Journey Center's posts, articles, and other information

Four Awareness Campaigns

Throughout the year Journey Center focuses on raising awareness on four important topics. Community involvement and engagement is essential for success!

  1.  January: National Stalking Awareness Month

  2. February: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

  3. April: Child Abuse Prevention Month

  4. October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Three Affirmations for the New Year

Feeling frustrated, down, or unsure? Repeat these phrases to yourself:

  1. I am enough.

  2. I am loveable.

  3. I am healing at the correct pace.

Two Messages of Support

To all survivors of abuse, you should know:

  1. You are never the cause of abuse.

  2. You are worthy. You are special. You are loved.

One Promise for the New Year

Journey Center makes this promise to our community:

  1. We will continue to support safe, healthy relationships for everyone. We will continue to provide services that support safety and healing and work to advocate for systems change.


Here’s to another year full of awareness, education, and taking steps to bring healthy, safe relationships to everyone!